Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Once Again A Student of Dance

We're all Students of Dance until such time we've reached a level where we can learn no more. But for the time being, Lani and I haven't thrown in the towel; we're still learning.

The Monday night Samba class with Renna and Sergio at the Palladium was invigorating and fun. Renna calls it Samba Variations and we're learning dance techniques as well as floorcraft with the variations.

Tonight (Tuesday), Lani and I got to learn the Swing Hustle at Hale Ikena. It was a big class taught by Joshua and Stephanie. This was our first time taking a class by Joshua and Stephanie and I gotta tell you those two are fun-to-learn teachers.
We got through the basic steps and then learned four more new steps during the remainder of the 45-minutes session.
During the break between dance classes, Joshua and Stephanie gave a demo of the NightClub 2 Step which starts on Wednesday (6/15) at Hale Ikena. Then Richard and Lynn demonstrated the International Tango and Quickstep that are ongoing on Thursday nights. The second class followed with the American Social Waltz by Robert and Vanelle.