It's Friday morning and the day looking to be a nice sunny day and a good time to go holo holo with my main squeeze Lani. Last week, we headed towards Kailua town and the traffic was slow going from the Castle Junction all the way on Kailua Road. Lots of new shops since we last visited Kailua but with no where to park, we headed to Kaneohe town. Nice drive but nothing new to see. We hadn't hit Like Like Hwy for ages and it was a nice cruise and scenery. But today, our best bet was to consult the MidWeek on where to cruise. We hadn't seen our long time friend Salome in many moons. You know the gal that spices up the dancing StepTaculars on stage, a member of the Red Hats, and sometimes she's a blond ooh la la? Okay, all kidding aside. Good friend Salome opened a new 8-weeks Line Dance Class for Seniors at the New Hope Diamond Head Auditorium in Kahala Mall this morning at 10:30 to 11:30. The hitch is that you gotta be 60 or plus for the $1/hour good deal and a one-time registration fee of 5 bucks. Best thing about it is that it's in the morning. You can reach Salome at 737-4596 for more info.

My main squeeze decided to join in with the other 16 line dancers in this nice spacious air conditioned
auditorium. Salome is such a good teacher that she gave more than dance steps. As with all her classes, there's a little light chat to get everyone comfortable. Then there's the warm-up exercise with isolation and stretching before the first step is taught; followed by a multitude of full body movements while dancing, and at the end of the session, there's always the cool down movements. The class runs every Friday morning till February 24.