IBDI opened their 3rd Term dance classes this past Monday at the Palladium. Lani and I got to the Palladium a little before 7 PM...a bit early for our Mambo class but gave us time to checkout Jimmy and Mae Matsumoto's International Samba II, and Ernie and Karen Choy's International Tango I. Both classes were in full swing with a good number of students. Our Mambo class started at 7:20 at the Ewa Ballroom and we were assisted by Kathy Uehara and Beverly Mau with music player Harold Kaneshiro. Lani and I weren't sure how the Mambo will appeal to the students since its close cousin the Salsa has been riding the waves for a long time. Much to our surprise, the Mambo drew a good number of students. In the Diamond Head Ballroom were Richard and Lynn Nakamura's Quickstep I and II. They had a good number of students also. After our Mambo class, Carolyn Noah's West Coast Swing took over the Ewa Ballroom, and Jim Prado's American Tango II occupied the Diamond Head Ballroom. Their classes drew a lot of students also. Next Monday is a holiday....so no dance classes till June 3rd. Prez Chris Jay sez... registration for dance classes is still open.
Friday, May 24, 2013 is Dance Magic 808′s palladium dance. We have the full ballroom and it’s free for members. Non-members would be charged $5.00. Our dances are a lot of fun. You’ll be able to practice the dances that you are learning and be able to just social dance. Dance is from 6pm – 9:30pm.