The year 2014 is moving like the fast east wind and the month of October has surprisingly crept up and one could wonder what happened during the past nine months. Here we are in the early half of the month with Pan Pacific Ballroom Dance Society of Hawaii celebrating their 40th Inaugural Ball at the Palladium this past Saturday. Gotta give a big hand to the Event Chairpersons Ed and Matilda Felix for organizing this big and successful event that included Bento, General Dancing, and a Showcase of Exhibition Dancing. And speaking of Bento (from Fat Boys located on the first floor), the ono dinner were handed out by Wally and Marie as Lani and I got to the second floor.
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Pan Pacific sure went big time in decorating the Reception Table with a colorful table cloth and colorful bright flowers. Add a touch of pretty ladies like Matilda and Luby with pretty smiles adds to the friendly and welcome atmosphere.
The Music Man for the evening was George Suetsugu who kept the dancers on the floor. The hardwood was nearly filled to capacity with dancers as he played each tune, Goes to show that he has an endless collection of good danceable music.
EmCee for the evening's event was Robert Lau. He kept the program running smoothly, made general announcements, and introduced the Professional dance teachers as well as representatives of the various dance organizations. I'm grateful to Robert for sharing the names of the Exhibition Dancers, and the names of the Officers and Board of Directors with me.
Reigning President of Pan Pacific Ballroom Dance Society of Hawaii Rudy Luat took to the podium and welcomed everyone with an inspiring President's Message. Rudy has been at the helm of Pan Pacific for many seasons and because of his caring expertise and guidance, it's no wonder he is well liked and holds the President's position year after year.
The Inauguration of Officers and Board of Directors soon followed with the introduction of former Mayor Mufi Hannemann who presided over the swearing in of the Officers and Board Members. After the swearing in, Mr. Hannemann treated the audience with his singing "It's A Wonderful World".
The 2014 Pan Pacific Ballroom Dance Society of Hawaii Officers are: President Rudy Luat, Vice President Eric Brienzo, Secretary Wallace Nakagawa, Treasurer Matilda Felix, Auditor Amy Lau, and Dance Director Ed Felix. The Board of Directors are: Luby Brienzo, Ray Dang, Louise Fujiyama, Robert Lau, Lucy Matsunaga, Marie Perreira, Greg Wong, and George Suetsugu. Then the Officers and Board of Directors were let loose to dance with anyone in the audience to "the Snowball Dance" while Mr. Hannemann belted out "It's A Wonderful World"..
At the conclusion of the Inaugural Program, Les Chang was introduced. Les Chang was the Director of Parks and Recreation under then Mayor Mufi Hannemann. His nice-to-know talk was how the Parks and the Palladium were maintained under his watch.
The Dance Exhibition opened with the International Waltz performed by Ed and Matilda Felix. Choreographer was Mr. Akiyoshi Sugino.
Followed by HBDA Mililani Chapter performing the Cha Cha Cha to the tune "Chili Cha Cha". Dancers are: Dave and Lea Twigg, Jensen and Dale Lipton, Andy and Donna Ng, Mel Camat and Susan Matsumoto, Chris and Sherry Yamada, and Craig and Nadine Abing. The dance was choreographed by Mel Camat and Susan Matsumoto.
Next was a solo dance of the romantic Rumba performed by Romeo and Tessie Cabras.
Professional Reggie Gascon came on next with Joseline Sangalang with the International Foxtrot.
Concluding the Exhibition Dance showcase were Pan Pacific Formation Team dancing a Standard Medley choreographed by Ed and Matilda Felix. Team members are: Eric and Luby Brienzo, Paul Ta and Jennifer Lin, Ed and Matilda Felix, Jim and April McConnell, and Leo Liang and Jing Zhang.
At curtain call, gifts were presented to the Exhibition Dancers by Marie Perreira and Greg Wong.
Refreshments were served out on the foyer compliments of New Aala Bakery,
Special Thanks went to Marie Perreira for the Inaugural Leis, Ticket Sellers: Annie Furguson and Herbert Omizo, and New Aala Bakery for the Refreshments.