This past Saturday, Lani and I got to move on with an early start for the IBDI Inaugural Ball at the Dole Cannery Pomaikai Ballroom just to make sure we'll fine a parking space. So off we were smooth running till we hit the traffic on K Hightway in Hawaii Kai... the Hawaii Kai Carnival on the main drag was in full swing causing a traffic slowdown. Most of the guys in blue were doing traffic management at the corner of Hawaii Kai Drive and K Highway so I took a chance of zooming above the posted speed limit. Couldn't break the speed record 'cause part of the highway was not all resurfaced yet. Auwe! Anyway, there were a lot and I mean lots of parking available at the Dole Cannery Parking structure. No problem choosing a parking stall on the 4th floor. Validated parking cost six bucks..pretty much like the Pacific Beach Hotel. As we entered the lobby to the Pomaikai Ballroom, a few of the early guests were sitting on the comfortable couches waiting for the doors to the ballroom to open. The lovelies, Delia and Dana, who work the Reception Table at all IBDI functions were there and doing a very good job checking in guests.The Bar was located in the lobby which was opened for service just about the time the doors to the ballroom opened. A glass of house red wine is my main squeeze's favorite jolly drink and she ordered one. Just so you guys on a budget don't be surprised, make sure you have more than a ten spot in your wallet before ordering a drink.

At the entrance, we were greeted by some of the current Officers and Board Members with a handshake from the guys and a hug from the fair ladies.
The Music DeeJays were Henry Lee and Jane Umeda who have been spinning the music discs for IBDI events for many years. The have a good balance of Rhythm and Blues music for dancing pleasure.
The EmCee was Dr. Paul Laderta. He was a good fit for the EmCee job and an excellent "pitch man" who kept the program filled with excitement, laughter, and a whole lot of fun.
Officers (left to right) Treasurer: Diana Vo, President: Marsha Ninomiya, 1st VP/ Social Chair/ Registration Chair: Arnold Lee, 2nd VP/Dance Director: Edward Matsuda, Secretary/ Parliamentarian: Eugene Shen, Director: Christopher Jay, and Director/Ticket Chair: Dana Morey.
After the installation of the 2015 IBDI Officers and Board Members by Marie Laderta, EmCee Paul Laderta talked about the history of IBDI and the former IBDC. He also talked about the younger days of President Marsha Ninomiya and how she became involved in dancing. It was a historical drama into the dances of the 1960's....the Twist, the Monkey, the Watusi, the Jerk, the Locomotion, the Mash Potato, the Swim, the Hitchhiker, and etc....all the dances that Marsha enjoyed. So she was asked to demonstrate the dances, which she did with a lot of amusement. It was even more hilarious when Paul joined in with Marsha on several of the dances. Along with Marsha, EmCee Paul showed his dancing talent.
A message of appreciation to all those who continue to support
IBDI..the Officers, the Board Members, the Instructional Staff,
the members, and especially to the guests who continue to
support IBDI by their attendance at IBDI events.
Renna Villanueva said the invocation and then it was time for the Hawaiian buffet dinner. Wow! kudos to the menu planner. It was like a luau dinner complete with poi, chicken long rice, sweet potato, lomi lomi salmon, kalbi steak, assortment of fresh raw veggie, golden brown rice, white rice, pork lau lau, and a whole bunch of onolicious desserts. It was da kine broke da mouth buffet.
General dancing continued till it was time for the dance exhibition showcase. Performing in the dance exhibition showcase were:Joe Shorba & Ellen Ostler (Koko Head Dance Studio), Renna Villanueva & Dr. Robert Schiff (Dance Appeal), Chorographers Richard & Lynn Nakamura, Ed & Candy Matsuda, Larry Arinaga & Taeko Csigi, Chris & Charlene Jay, and Roy & Marsha Ninomiya (Dance Magic 808), Edwin & Charlotte Bugarin (Carlos Chang), and Glenn Okazaki & Anne Ho (USA Dance).
C/CW from top) Richard & Lynn Nakamura, Chris & Charlene Jay, Roy & Marsha Ninomiya, Larry Arinaga & Taeko Csigi, and Ed & Candy Matsuda.
There was curtain call at the end of the dance exhibition showcase and all the performers received token of appreciation gifts. Then there was the matter of the table centerpiece. It all narrowed down to the one whose birthday was the closes to March 14th. But the party was not over yet. Celebrating their birthdays on March 14th were Anne Ho and Marsha Ninomiya.
Marie Laderta helping with candles on birthday cupcakes |
Dance partners singing "Happy Birthday" to Anne and Marsha |
Happy Birthday, Anne and Marsha! |
The formal party concluded but general dancing continued till closing at 11 PM.