SENIOR ROCKETTES!!?? Never heard of them but they are a dance team according to Jennifer, a Sales Leader at the Holiday Retirement who gave Lani and me a personal tour of the retirement facility last Tuesday. Yeah! we got to see the different suites and cottages at the facility and were treated to lunch. This was the second time we were invited to the retirement facility in just a few weeks. (Okay! Don't get any ideas that my main squeeze and me are ready for the "rest home" 'cause we're seniors but still teenagers at heart.
We were invited by Jennifer this past Friday to enjoy the Senior Rocketts performance. Show Time was at 10:30 AM.
On with the show..... The EmCee was Dick with the help of his beautiful wife Bunnie. Both of them are a talkative kind but they kept the show lively and running with out any stop gap...true masters of EmCeeing. They not only EmCeed; they performed in the showcase by dancing a 1930s ballroom dance and later the Foxtrot.
Bunnie and Dick |
The show opened with "The Follies" to the music "A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody" and featured three ladies adorned like in the 1930's...white feathers and all which looked spectacular.
Joan, Josephine, and Doris |
That was followed by a 1930's ballroom dance with a 1930's tune by Dick and Bunnie.
Bunnie and Dick |
The music was played on a portable CD/Tape player that lacked the oomph of upbeat but none the less, the dancers put on a terrific and colorful performance such as the Mexican.Hat Dance by Doris and Josephine.
Josephine and Doris |
Now this next performer looked familiar as though Lani and I had seen her doing Tap Dancing with another group called the Spectaculars. She tapped some fancy steps with speed that can match some young dancers. That's Joan.
Joan |
Coming back on the floor were Doris and Josephine performing the " Hand Clap Dance".
Josephine and Doris |
It was "Talk Time" to give the ladies time to change into another costume for the next performance. "Talk Time" turned into a "everybody sing time" which brought the senior residents into the act. Everyone in the front row seat got to sing a part of the song.
On with the show.... A Sophisticated Hula by Josephine, and then followed by Doris with Holo Holo Ka'a.
Josephine |
Doris |
Joan came back with another Tap Dance to the tune "My Sister Kate". She was on high octane this time as she twirled continuously without missing a bit (and not getting dizzy at that!)
Joan |
I couldn't catch on to the next performance with beach balls. Doris and Josephine were having fun tossing the balls to each other and bouncing them on the floor as they danced to the tune "By The Sea". I guess it may have been an incentive for the senior residents that playing with beach balls is fun and a good form of exercise. I like to think that.
Josephine and Doris |
Dick and Bunnie followed with their rendition of the Foxtrot. Cool moves.
Bunnie and Dick |
"The Old Soft Shoe", a delightful Tap Dance performed by Doris and Joan was next.
Doris and Joan |
It was "Talk Time" to give the ladies time to change their costumes for the finale. Gotta hand it to Bunnie. She belted out some jokes that perked up the audience with loud laughter and applause. A senior resident was invited to the mike. She gave a short history about Bill and Bunnie younger days. Sweet!
Senior Resident and Bill |
The Finale with performers Joan, Josephine, and Doris
Joan, Josephine, and Doris |
The show lasted one hour. Lani and I really enjoyed this showcase with all the glamour and colorful costumes, the "Talk Time" jokes and singing, and the dance performances. This was "The Follies!" and I imagine the way it was in the 1930's. Hasta la vista for now.