Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Furlough Friday Social Dance

Just received this message for Dance Hawaii Prez Maurice. Since the Palladium will be on furlough this Friday, Dance Hawaii has social dancing at Radford HS cafeteria. Read on from the Prez........

We just received word from Mr. Elias Ali, Principal at Radford High School, that this Friday, July 2nd, is open for us to use the cafeteria for our "FURLOUGH FRIDAY" Social Dance. Please join us for our first "FURLOUGH FRIDAY SOCIAL DANCE":

TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
****For Dance Hawaii members: Set up is at 6:30 p.m.
**** Monetary donations accepted to benefit the Radford HIgh School Athletic Program
****Bring your favorite pupu dish to share with everyone (Dance Hawaii provides all papers good, serving utensils, coffee, hot tea, ice tea, water)
****Music by DeeJay Mike Chinen
Hope to see you folks there!

Palladium July 2010 Schedule

A Big Mahalo to Ki for the July schedule.
(Left click on poster to zoom in)

Monday, June 28, 2010


Aloha Students Of Dance.
The following message is from Dance Hawaii President.......

Dance Hawaii apologies to the members and guests who came to Radford High School cafeteria this past Saturday night, June 26th, to attend our Social Dance. Mr Elias Ali, Principal, stopped by to check what was going on and it was a miscommunication and Mr Ali apologized to Dance Hawaii. What happen is Mr. Ali does not have a permanent vice principal and used a teacher and I guess the teacher did not know Dance Hawaii uses the cafeteria on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. Paul Lee, Music DJ, was the first to be at Radford and he called me. I went to Radford and found a Dance Hula Studio, Akala, was having a luau dinner and show. What could we do! Anyway, we tried to contact as many people from 6:30 p.m. and we are sorry we could not contact everyone. Please accept our apologies!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Just Dance @Aloha Activity Center

Looking for a dance venue in July? Coming on the second Saturday in July, Aloha Activity Center will feature "JUST DANCE" for 7 bucks and parking is FREE. Check out the poster on right for more info. There's also contact numbers if you need to contact Carolyn, Shari, or Randy.
(Left click on poster to zoom in)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Local Kine Workshop - First Day Impression

Lani and I attended the opening day of the Local Kine Workshop hosted by Carolyn Noah of Line Dance Etc., this past Friday. It was publicized as a 3-day event with a potpourri of Line Dancing and NightClub Dancing instructions.
We got to the Palladium a bit early and waited with the crowd of Line Dancers for the doors to the ballroom to open.
At the Registration Table we received copies of the workshop schedule plus step by step description of the Line Dances and musical scores to be taught in a yellow brief holder. We were a bit early for the Hustle and West Coast Swing classes which was scheduled to start at one o'clock.

Line Dance by visiting instructor Karen Hedges was first on the agenda. With a remote headset mike, she belted out the quick footwork of line dancing in Ballroom #2. I'm not much of a line dancing hoofer but Lani is one that enjoys it. And the instructions Karen spilled out was clear and precised.

At the same time in Ballroom #1, local line dance instructor Bev Braun was teaching the Beginner's level with a Latin beat to visiting Big Islanders line dance instructors Miles, Sandi, Juanita, Jean, and Virginia. They all have their own schools pepppered throughout the Big Island.

Before I go any further, our gracious host Carolyn welcomed all for attending this first day of workshop and presented flower leis to the visiting and local instructors.
I got to meet Mona L. Davis who choreographs and teaches Line Dancing on the Leeward Coast of Oahu. She continued the pace after Karen but going into the more advanced level. Talk about quick-quick footwork but the experienced dancers kept up with her. This gave an opportunity for those who want a slower pace to go to Ballroom #1 where beginners level is being taught. Mona is an excellent instructor and although diminutive in size, she's got a big voice and teaches very well.
Okay, I'm back in Ballroom #1 chatting with the instructors from the Big Island. Nice people and easy to talk to. They're here for all three days event.

Time really flew by quickly...then it was lunch time. It was fun making my own sandwich of ham and turkey with a lot of fresh veggies and fruits and no spare on the condiments. Of course Mona was in the tick of this by handing out packages of chips and doing a good job that there was plentiful to feed all the attendees.

One o'clock clicked by fast, too. Sandy Zook began teaching Night Club Two Step in Ballroom #1....easy to follow steps but then Sandy has always been one to make it easy for anyone to learn be it Line Dancing or Night Club Dancing. No doubt, that is one of the reasons she has a large following.
But it was time also for the Hustle in Ballroom #2 and we had one of Hawaii's prime ballroom instructors as our teacher...Debby Borges of Dream To Dance Studio. She taught for two hours going from the basics to the more advanced steps. She was really organized and teachable and her instructions were easy to follow but telling that to my feet took a bit of coaxing. No problem for Lani, though..she'll can adapt to the Hustle easily.

I sat out the second hour 'cause I was happy just learning the basics and a bit more during the first hour. Lani stayed for the 2nd hour as the students changed partners. It was good to see Kay Yahiku in the Hustle class. She was used as Debby's partner to demonstrate the lady's part.....and as she confided, "I like to learn all kind of dancing".

In Ballroom #1, the dancers were on a short break. So I got to chat with some of them. They were from the West Oahu Line Dancers Club and they expressed it with a lot of pride. (So Pepe, if you're reading this...here's another venue you might want to check out and don't forget Mona Dabis on the Leeward Coast).
It's been a long day at the Palladium and the three o'clock West Coast Swing finally came. I had expected our host Carolyn to teach the West Coast Swing since she is an excellent teacher in this field...but instead a guy and a lady filled in. Now there are good and there are not so good instructors and all of them have different methods of teaching. After 15 minutes of a boring lecture on the West Coast Swing a couple went to sit down and Lani and I followed. After 5 minutes, four more couples and a lady left the floor to sit it out. I'm not sure if they were just as bored with the teachings but after 30 minutes, several couples walked out of the ballroom. However, there were other couples that stayed on.
I think Carolyn Noah did a wonderful service for the Line Dancers and the Night Club Dancers by organizing and hosting Local Kine Workshop this weekend. It brought unity and a venue for a dance genre that is constantly growing in numbers. Local Kine Workshop continues on through Sunday with more Line Dancing, Night Club Dancing, National Teachers Association (NTA) Workshop, and Open Dancing. Much Kudos to Carolyn Noah....a job well done.
(Left click on photo to zoom in)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Social Dance @Radford High School

Social Dance will continue on Saturday, June 26th with Music by DJ Paul Lee, at the Radford High School Cafeteria from 7:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Please join us and practice your dance steps. Monetary donation will be accepted at the door to benefit the Radford High School Athletic Program. YOU DON'T NEED TO BE A MEMBER OF DANCE HAWAII TO ATTEND. ALL DANCERS ARE WELCOME. Your favorite pupu dish is welcomed, too.

Big Change Coming For The Fall Session

I don't know if the Board of Educaion is rolling in the right direction or not for the Community School for Adults (CSA). The big change for the upcoming Fall Session is the $10 fee that will be charged for enrollment. This is for both Special Education Students and Special Interest Students. The decision by the BOE to assess the $10 fee was brought up during this session faculty meeting that was held last month. Lani and I met with the principal of Kaimuku CSA to say our piece and made suggestions to lessen the blow but it's gonna be a sure thing that the decision stands for the Fall Session. The announcement will be printed on the Fall 2010 Session brochure.

On a lighter note: Our Social Waltz and Tango class got off to a good start on June 14. The students had no problem learning the three basic syllabi in the Waltz and the four basic syllabi in the Tango to prepare them for the advanced steps ahead. This past Monday, Lani and I reviewed all the syllabi taught on the 14th before teaching the Left Turn Cross Combination in the Waltz, and the Promenade Pivot in the Tango. Progression into the advanced steps were acceptable by the students and before the end of the dance class, they were dancing combinations of the Basic and Intermediate patterns in the Waltz, and in the Tango. (Left click on photo to zoom in).

If you want to feel the excitement of the Matsuri Hawaii Goodwill Dance that was held at the Pacific Beach Hotel this past Friday, then you gotta swing over to Town Dancer and soak in the personal impressions of the event by my friend, Calvin Ota. He's an excellent dancer with his lovely wife Debra, and one of a kind great descriptive writers in the dance blogs. His photos are top notch, too.

Monday, June 21, 2010

New Dancing In The Dark

The old Dancing In The Dark blog was put sleep again but NO HUHU.
Joe (Pepe) Martel has created a NEW Dancing In The Dark blog. You can read all about it at www.honoluludance.blogspot.com

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Matsuri Hawaii Goodwill Dance

I haven't quiet figured out what "Matsuri" means but never the less Grace Nohara hosted an awesome show last night at the Pacific Beach Hotel. Lani and I got to the Pacific Beach a little early to avoid any weekend traffic and Parking Full signs in Waikiki. No problem..there were a lot of parking spaces available from the 4th floor and up. Getting to 7th floor of the hotel, the lobby was practically empty except for two ladies waiting to get into the ballroom. Our wait wasn't too long, when Reggie Gascon walked in with his two ladies. Then a slew of Japanese visitors walked in all dressed in their finest attire...ladies in colorful evening gowns and the men in business suit and a few dressed to burn the floor. It was nice to see a few dancers from Dance Hawaii attending. And also some of Lani and my former dance students from many years ago...especially Stanley and Annie Nakamura who always find time for a handshake and a hug whenever we bump into them at a dance.

At the reception table were Grace Nohara...now she's gotta be The First Lady Of Dance in Honolulu since she's been spearheading or hosting some of the finest dance events at the Pacific Beach, and Delia Tom. Inside the ballroom, the showcase dancers were practicing their bit as seen each time the ballroom door swung open.

Changing of the guards at the reception table (Shirley, Delia, and Dana) as it was time to enter the ballroom. Gotta admire the work of this frontline volunteers....making sure that the guests are seated at the assigned tables. Lani and I were seated at Sergio and Renna Villanueva's table. What an honor for us to be seated at the same table with such talented dancers and performers. We did get to chat with Sergio and Renna a little but because they were on the agenda to dance in the showcase, they were busy moving to and fro to help prepare their Dance Appeal Dancers for the performance.

As we entered the ballroom, the floor started to fill with dancers to the music....Japanese type dance music. It took me a while to get accustom to the beat since there were hardly any heavy down beat like the American dance music. Finally got tuned in and Lani and I headed for the dance floor with the Waltz..then the Cha Cha..then the Rumba. The music was pretty good once you get tuned in and everyone on the floor appears to be in tuned with it.
After a short while, DeeJay Henry Lee and assistant Jane spinned some heavy down beat dance music which brought more dancers to the floor.

Chris Jay, Prez of IBDI, was the EmCee for the evening. He did a terrific job in keeping the program going on schedule.
After a short "Welcome", Marsha said the invocation...first in English, and then in Japanese for our visitors. Well done, Marsha. Then it was time to grind the excellent choice of buffet dinner. No need to hash this over since we all know the high quality of entries the Pacific Beach dishes out. Right?

In the Dance World, Lani and I meet a lot of excellent dancers who dance and teach for the pure enjoyment of it. A few of them were seated near us....Calvin and beautiful Debra Ota who recently scored good at the Black Pool dance competition. Then there were Roger Izumigawa, a dance icon, and his pretty partner Isabel Vong, and Sergio and Renna Villanueva who are new to us....they are certainly an attractive couple who are star quality showcase performers. Also one of our favorite performing couples...Ed and Matilda Felix.

At times we sat with friends of Sergio and Renna. Our table was like musical chairs going on. Sometimes a bevy of beauties would come and seat and chat with us and then when they left others would fill in. Can't remember all their names but thanks to Sergio who knew everyone of them I was able to list them on this photo.

After dinner, EmCee Chris Jay announced that there will be a "SnowBall" dance before the Exhibition Dancing. Well, we all are familiar with the "Snowball" but it was a good fit for our Japanese visitors. Got them off their seats to dance not your traditional Waltz but to a lively Cha Cha. Good to see that since before the "Snowball", at times ladies would be dancing together as partners.

Ooops! almost forgot the main attraction. The Live Band from Japan couldn't make it so a singer from Japan filled the bill. I can tell you he was awesome. He not only has a wonderful singing voice and charisma, he is an excellent showcase dancer, too.
Being a dancer, he belted some of the greatest danceable songs to the tempo of the Waltz, Foxtrot, Cha Cha, Rumba, Tango, Samba, and Swing. WOW! is the word for his performances in both genre.
Kenichi, a many awarded skilled dancer in Japan, showcased the Rumba and the Cha Cha with local dancer Charlotte Bugarin. (Charlotte with husband Ed are well known exhibition dancers.) There were a lot of technique and passion in their performance which made it enjoyable to watch.

Next to perform were professional dance teacher Yanna Samkova and Cole Horiso who danced an exciting and colorful Paso Doble. This performance was the best Paso Doble that I've ever seen at the Pacific Beach. Cole displayed the strength and mastery of a matador while Yanna was superb in her performance. A dynamite performance of the Paso Doble that's gonna be hard to beat.

Local favorites Ed and Matilda Felix followed with a smooth flowing International Waltz. Lovely, lovely performance. Lani and I never cease to enjoy watching this couple perform.

Dance Appeal Formation dance choreographed by Sergio and Renna Villanueva came out strong scorching the dance floor...I mean dressed in firefighters uniform, ladder, and siren....did some swing dancing, line dancing, and broadway that kept this showcase moving nonstop. Sergio and Renna brought their magic of fun and entertainment to the audience, again.

Tommy Nakamura and Stephanie Uechi dance an excellent Foxtrot. Now I commented before how superb his Waltz performance with Stephanie in a previous blog. This time, the Foxtrot performance outdid his Waltz. Keep on going, Tommy!

Professional dance teacher Lucas Jaime and Kristen Kuznew danced a theatrical medley with a lot of lifting and drops that brought many ooos and applauses....more of a cabaret type performance which is always a crowd pleaser.

Professional dance teacher Carlos Chang and Yulia Sharipoza concluded the Exhibition part of the program with a fast and well executed Samba.

It was an event well organized by Grace and her committee that brought Professionals to entertain our local dancers and Japanese visitors in this Matsuri Hawai Goodwill Dance. General dancing continued till 11:30PM. We got lucky too in winning the table center piece.
(left click on photo to zoom in)

Rising From The Ashes

Aloha Dancers,
Dancing In The Dark was put to sleep early this month by me but the originator of this blogsite (Joe Martel) has requested to reactivate it and ask to take over the site. It had been an exciting ride for me to share news of dancing in our community with you on Dancing In The Dark while it was alive and well. Joe will sign in as Guest Author and gradually take over as Administrator of Dancing In The Dark. Surf URL: http://kokoheadside.blogspot.com to see Dancing In The Dark.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Monday Night Waltz & Tango and Local Kine Dance

Well, Lani and I finally got our Summer Session dance class start at Ali'iolani CSA on the Social Waltz and Tango. We didn't make the minimum numbers of 24 students for each school, so we had to cancel the Wednesday night class at Kaiser CSA and Thursday night class at Ali'iolani CSA. The picture didn't look bright for other Special Interest class also. Fortunately we had 33 students wanting to learn the Waltz and Tango on Monday. There were a lot of new faces and a lot more returnees which made it a good balance. This six weeks course started with the basic patterns, how to lead and follow, and the dance posture that will prepare the students to tackle the advanced (Lani doesn't want to call it Intermediate) patterns during the remaining 5 weeks. I'd say that the new students kept pretty close in keeping up with the returning students on both dances. I think our Q&A sessions must've helped in the new students progress. It was a good first session and everyone went home happy...us, too.

Thanks to Ki for posting The Local Kine Workshop on the WEB. If you haven't heard about it, here's the scoop...and it's happening this month. For more info, I contacted the host and organizer Carolyn Noah of Line Dance, Etc. If so-called Night Club Dancing is your passion, then come on down to the Palladium about 9 AM on June 25,26, and 27. The Local Kine Workshop will feature known instructors teaching the HUSTLE, WEST COAST SWING, COUNTRY 2 STEP, and NIGHTCLUB 2 STEP. Bettah yet, contact Carolyn Noah at 808-271-0417 or at her cyberspace e-mail address: LineDanceETC@aol.com for more info. A word of caution..the Workshop is not for beginners or the novice, You gotta have at least 6 months of dancing experience under your belt. In a nut shell, you gotta know your left foot from your right and when to transfer your weight, just like in Ballroom Dancing.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Aloha Ballroom Dance Academy

Got this e-mail from Rita O'Connor, Professional Dance Teacher and owner of Aloha Ballroom Dance Academy over on the Valley Isle. Here's an excerpt of what's in store for the dancers on Maui.........

Maui, HAWAII – The Aloha Ballroom Dance Academy, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit features Maui’s ONLY Professionally-Instructed Ballroom & Latin Dance classes, hosts their Registration Night on Wednesday, July 7th to kick off their new dance series for July-September featuring Beginner East Coast Swing & Intermediate Foxtrot! This evening will feature a pupu potluck as well as social dance and everyone interested in learning to dance is welcome to join this Guinness World Record holding class! Rita O’Connor, N.D.C.A., will instruct every Wednesday at the Kihei Community Center from 6:30 – 9:00 pm. The total cost for the 3-month course is $50 per person. Special Discount if registered by July 7th is only $40 per person - less than $2 per class! Open registration throughout the course. No partner necessary! Singles and couples welcome! Teens through adults! Beginners through intermediate dancers take the floor! Classes begin July 14th – students can join anytime! Visit www.alohaballroom.com or call 879-0055 for more information.

This new dance series highlights the energetic East Coast Swing as well as one of the easiest & smoothest dances: Foxtrot - so sign up early to secure a space in these exciting classes! “We are trying to make partnership dancing a fun and social event for both couples and singles,” says Rita O'Connor. “It’s a wonderful way for couples to build upon their relationship and share a new activity together in a relaxing atmosphere. Similarly, singles or those without a dance partner for the evening can enjoy the company of others who want to learn to dance without feeling social pressure to have a steady partner in order to do ballroom dancing.” “Ballroom & Latin dancing has changed with the times,” Rita explains. “The success of “Dancing with the Stars” TV program has prompted a resurgence in Latin & Ballroom dancing. I enjoy featuring contemporary music selections as well as the traditional songs to make it easier for people to recognize a dance. Our students range from young adult to mature adult and crosses all cultural barriers!”
For more info surf over to Rita's Website at www.alohaballroom.com

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mom On A Mission

Aloha Students of Dance. I received this e-mail from one of my former dance students, Sharon McFadden. I don't usually publish this sort of plea but I thought because of the nature of the message and that it could happen to anyone of us...I decided to share it with you.......

Hi - I'm doing the first fundraiser for The Jacob Foundation on Saturday, June 19th - 9:00 am in Mililani. If you know of anyone that is looking for a community service project or would like to help out or make any donations for the garage sale, please contact me asap. 352-4668
I will be picking up items and pricing things this week, delivering to Mililani on Friday. I, have furniture items that will also be sold at my friend's home (Candy Hill) she hosted my coffee for PLD. I will have some items as a silent auction such as a koa rocker, tiffany lamp, a Tuscany style Bombay chest, etc. Please forward the info on to others that you think would be interested. The address of the yard sale is 95-1133 Milia.
(Direction) to Mililani,
Exit 5A Heheula Pkwy to Mililani Mauka
turn Right - Ainamakua Dr.
Left - Ainamakua Dr. again
Left on Lauae St.
Right on Milia St. - house on the right in the cul-de-sac

The Honolulu Adv. published an article about Jacob on June 1st, the reporter did a fantastic job. His story was picked up by The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, they interviewed me on Wed, 6/9/10 - the story will run nationally. Also, all are invited to the Memorial Service at Kailua Beach Park boat ramp on Sunday 6/27 - potluck style at 1:00, the official service with homing pigeons will begin at 4:00 pm. Deacon Dan from Holy Trinity will officiate. If you would like to be informed of news and other articles, please email to thejacobfoundation@yahoo.com and I'll add you to the list. Questions, please call me, Sharon 352-4668 This foundation is established for education and H1N1 awareness for the purpose of saving lives. My goal is to impact as many families so they can prevent going through this loss and pain that my family experienced.

Here is the article, and the link... very touching story...May God continue to bless his mother..


Posted on: Tuesday, June 1, 2010

By Diana Leone
Advertiser Staff Writer

Jacob Ryan Schmidt, 27, formerly of O'ahu, died after a monthlong bout with H1N1 flu at his home in Texas. His mother, Sharon McFadden of Honolulu, is creating an educational foundation to encourage others to get the H1N1 vaccination.
Photo courtesy Sharon McFadden

A Honolulu woman who lost her 27-year-old son to the H1N1 virus is starting a group to educate others about the deadly potential of swine flu.
Sharon McFadden's son, Jacob Ryan Schmidt of Baytown, Texas, died April 28 of the H1N1 virus and the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome that followed.
The Kailua High School graduate "was strong, vivacious, young and gone in five weeks from the time he got the symptoms until his passing," McFadden said.
When Schmidt died, the medical team caring for him at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital in Houston "said he had no lungs left," McFadden said. McFadden's offer to donate one of her lungs was refused because doctors said Schmidt wouldn't survive the transplant.
Schmidt first felt ordinary flu symptoms on March 25. Within days he was at a Baytown hospital's emergency room, complaining that he "felt like he was going to die," McFadden said. But tests for H1N1 were negative and he was sent home with drugs to treat pneumonia.
Just a few days later Schmidt was back at the ER, tested positive for H1N1 and was admitted to the intensive care unit. It took 10 days to stabilize him for transfer him to the larger hospital in Houston, where he remained until his death, his mother said.
"It's just been burning on my heart, how to get publicity for this — how to help people not to have to go through the loss that I went through," McFadden said. "It's really about getting the education out there. If he had had the H1N1 vaccination it wouldn't have been the H1N1 that killed him."

She's decided to form a nonprofit foundation along the lines of Mothers Against Drunk Driving."They did something really positive from something so tragic," she said of MADD.

Schmidt grew up on O'ahu, attended elementary schools in Kailua and Kane'ohe and Kalaheo High before graduating from Kailua High. He was a healthy man who enjoyed mixed martial arts, worked as a driver for a medical supply company, and was happy with his family life in Baytown with wife Brandy and two stepchildren, McFadden said. "He really strongly impacted a lot of people's lives. He was a really passionate guy and really lived in the present moment," McFadden said. "He had grown up to be an aspiring young man."

Schmidt never knew how he picked up the disease, since he wasn't aware of coming into contact with anyone who had it. McFadden said she has been shocked to find, as she tells others what killed her son, that people's reaction is often, "Oh, I thought H1N1 was over." "My main message I want to get out there is to wake up this community. H1N1 is thriving," McFadden said.

McFadden said as she talked with the doctors treating her son, she learned that the disease is "really attacking people born 1980 and later," because they weren't alive in the 1970s when a type of swine flu infected a number of people, giving them protective antibodies.

Hawai'i is not tracking non-lethal cases of the H1N1 virus, state Department of Health spokeswoman Janice Okubo said. There have been 13 confirmed deaths in Hawai'i from the disease, including one child.
Nationally, the Centers for Disease Control has confirmed 66,873 cases of H1N1 virus between the start of the pandemic in Aug. 30, 2009 and the week of May 22. The CDC reports 276 deaths of children 17 or younger from the H1N1 virus during that same time. Barring an unusually high number of flu cases reported over the summer, detailed reporting on all strains of flu will resume in October, the start of traditional flu season, the CDC website says.

A total of 348,913 H1N1 flu vaccinations have been given in Hawai'i as of last week, Okubo said. An estimated 571,900 doses of the vaccine have been shipped to Hawai'i.
Okubo said the state will again offer free H1N1 vaccines at schools next fall. In the meantime, most doctors and clinics have access to the vaccine.

All of Schmidt's relatives who had been in physical contact with him — including his mother, wife, step-children, brother Eric and others — were vaccinated as soon as his H1N1 diagnosis was confirmed. None have come down with the virus, McFadden said.
McFadden said she felt slightly nauseous and achy the night she had the vaccine, but took some ibuprofen, went to bed early and woke up feeling fine. She feels any temporary discomfort is a small price to pay for being protected from a potentially deadly disease.

McFadden's foundation is an idea at this point. McFadden plans to talk with Hawai'i Health Department officials. "I do need some help getting the organization started," she said. "I would be more than interested in speaking to people who'd want to become a part of this."
She envisions going into schools and talking to groups about the seriousness of the disease and the merit of getting vaccinated. McFadden said she'll be glad "if I can save one life from convincing someone to get their swine flu vaccination."

A memorial service for Schmidt is scheduled for 4 p.m. June 27 at Kailua Beach Park, at the pavilion near the boat ramp. The service will be followed by a potluck. More information can be found at Schmidt's Facebook page.

Schmidt is survived by his wife, Brandy, and stepchildren Isaiah and Halie Lige, of Baytown, Texas; mother, Sharon McFadden; father and stepmother, Bob and Tricia Schmidt of Humble, Texas; brother Eric Schmidt of Houston; grandfather Richard McFadden of Midland, Texas; grandparents Fred and Glenda Schmidt of Richmond, Texas; and numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, half- and step-siblings.

In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to The Jacob H1N1 Foundation, P.O. Box 240806, Honolulu, HI, 96824. For information about the foundation, contact McFadden at thejacobfoundation@yahoo.com or 352-4668.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Da HOT Oldies Band

Coming HOT as fire after a heart beating performance at the Dance Hawaii/WASABI Fundraiser Dance at Aliamanu Middle School last Saturday, DA BAND is making another appearance this time in East Honolulu with their danceable 50's and 60's tunes. If you got the moves for high octane music to the slow romantics.....then come on down to the St.Louis Alumni Clubhouse at Isenberg Street on Thursday (6/10) 6:30-10PM. Best part ...it's free! And da parking on da street is free and at First Hawaiian Bank, too! There's a Fee Box at FHB parking, so you gotta get a ticket from the staff at St. Louis Alumni to drop in the Fee Box. Es all you gotta do to park there fo' free. And when you get there, no forget to thank Doreen Nakamoto for all this info. If she's busy..just give her the SHAKA sign. I think she'll like that.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Matsuri Hawaii Goodwill Dance Update

Thanks to Ki and Nancy Shen for sending me this updated poster. The change is that there won't be a Live Band from Japan. In place will be a DeeJay .. that's good, and a Singer from Japan ... that's good,too! Come and enjoy the experience.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Fun! Fun! Fun! @Dance Hawaii/WASABI Fundraiser

It was Saturday night and it was a big dance night for Dance Hawaii at the Aliamanu Middle School cafeteria. Since the theme was music of the 50's & 60's, there was gonna be some prizes for the best dressed clothing of that era. The parking lot near the school was filled with cars and red cones blocking the entrance. Dance Hawaii didn't miss a beat on this 'cause they had "gate guards" directing traffic to the nearby parking at the Aliamanu Elementary School. As Lani and I entered the "ballroom", DeeJay Andy Pascua's sound system was blasting away with hot Cha Cha music. The floor was crowded with dancers and seats near the buffet line were all taken. We found some seats near the DeeJay and wasted no time hitting the dance floor with the Swing, Waltz, Cha Cha, and Rumba before WASABI took over with memorable 50's and 60's oldies. They even added the Hustle of the 70's. A smoke machine was turned on and colorful balloons filled the dance floor to give a more 50's and 60's atmosphere.
Before I go any further, I gotta mention the obvious: the success of this wonderful event was due to all the hard working volunteers...Wayne the "gate guard" (there were others), the lovelies at the Reception Table, the people who brought potluck, the tireless servers on the buffet line, the Setup Committee, our DeeeJay, the band, the soloist, and the clean up committee. They are the FRONTLINE VOLUNTEERS.
It was non-stop dancing..when Andy took a break WASABI filled in the void with those hot 50's and 60's and when WASABI took a break Andy filled in with his great selection of social dance music.

At about 8 o'clock, Prez Maurice Morita got on the mike to thank everyone for participating in this fundraiser. He brought some laughter when he said, "We are the poorest dance club because the monies that we collect are donated to the schools". How true that is! He introduced some of the other dance clubs that were in attendance, and Nick Sierra who sang two songs.
More social dancing continued with several Line Dancing peppered in between the mixture of social and 50's and 60's dancing.
There was a short break later on to announce the winners of the best 50's and 60's dressers. They were Deenie Bates of Aiea Ballroom Dance Club, Sharon Nakai, and Junie Sato. Congrats to all three lovelies who received gift cards.
Dancing continued on till 11 PM. It was an enjoyable evening of fun!fun!fun!dancing to the music of the WASABI Band and the big sounds of Andy Pascua'a selections.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Shen Yun Performing Arts Spectacular

Wow! What a performance..it was awesome! Last night (Friday), Lani and I along with 10 other members of Dance Hawaii (aka Dance Aliamanu) went to see the opening of Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Neal Blaisdel Concert Hall. Thanks to Maurice Morita, President of Dance Hawaii...he was able to get all 12 of us discount tickets in row "O" just behind the $115 section. And the seats were perfect since they were smack in the middle, giving us a clear view of the performance.

According to its publication, "Shen Yu brings together leading dancers, choreographers, vocalists, and musicians (their very own)from around the world to create an experience that will not only be beautiful and memoriable, but also enriching and uplifting." And it most certainly lived up to it as we enjoyed the non-stop 2 hour fast paced beautiful art work of classical Chinese dancing. Two EmCees guided the audience through out the entire show (20 Acts)...one spoke in Chinese while the other interpreted in English. They were lively and at times put a touch of humor in introducing the next act which brought laughter and applauses. There was a 15 minute intermission after the first hour which was a welcomed break. Truly, the performers were in top shape and very disciplined. Where can you find 22 young ladies and 18 young men wearing colorful costumes all performing in perfect unison......dancing with props, too? Each act had a story... a cultural meaning as Shen Yun puts it..."to reclaim and renew the divinely-inspired cultural heritage of humanity". The music by the live orchestra was capitivating almost like inviting the audience to be part of the show. There were vocal soloist also...a Soprano, a Tenor. and a Baritone, and an Erhu Soloist which were a good fit...strong and persuasive. The cinematography was another amazing part of the show...the way it blended with the actual performers and the act. I should stop here since I don't want to give too much away. You gotta to see Shen Yun Performing Arts spectacular yourself to believe that it is an awesome stage show to ever come to Honolulu.
After leaving the Blaisdel Concert Hall, 10 of us met at Zippy's for a late dinner and talk story. Must've been close to midnight when we broke up to go home.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Dress To Shine @The 50's & 60's Dance

More hilites on the upcoming Dance Hawaii Fundraiser featuring WASABI.

from Maurice Morita.......
This coming Saturday will be our WASABI Fundraiser. We are expecting 300 people to attend so it should be a fun, and exciting event for everyone.DRESS: Because WASABI plays 50's & 60''s music, please dress casual and comfortable, even in 50's & 60's outfits, such as, jeans, t-shirts,golf shirts, etc.
We may even offer a prize for the best looking couple who reminds us how we dressed in the 50's & 60's!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Change In Name

Aloha Readers/Dancers. Since I've been blogging about other styles of dancing besides American Ballroom, Latin, and Swing Dancing, I have changed the name of this Weblog to The Dance Connection to encompass all genre of dancing.

Boogie To Live Band Music This Month

If the sound of Live Band Music energizes you that you want to scorch the dance floor then here's a reminder: Dance Hawaii hosting a dance this Saturday (6/5) at Aliamanu Middle School. I hear from those in the know that WASABI belts out some awesome 50's and 60's tunes. And the bonus is that Dance Hawaii DeeJay Andy Pascua will be filling in with his great danceable music when WASABI takes a break. Non-stop dancing from 6 to 11PM.
(Left click on poster to zoom in)

Then more Live Band sounds coming our way on June 18 at the Matsuri Hawaii Goodwill Dance hosted by Grace Nohara. Get your tickets early for a night of Social Dancing, Buffet Dinner, and Dance Exhibitions. Don't know yet what's on the agenda but I heard that a terrific group of dancers from Waipahu that appeals to the audience will be performing in the showcase. See poster for more info.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

June 2010 Palladium Schedule

Aloha Dancers,
Here's the Palladium Schedule for the month of June. Mahalo to KI!
(left click on graphic to zoom in)