The long awaited Friday weekend finally came to be and Lani and I hustled to get to the "Summer Suave Dancing In Paradise" at the Pacific Beach Hotel. We were a bit early getting to the ballroom on the 7th one at the reception table yet. So we went to the lobby to go window shopping and kinda watched the Matsuri happenings...lots of ladies dressed in their Japanese traditional kimonos and straw slippers and the smell of B-B-Q from the outdoor pits fragranced the air. Talk about saliva running down the throat. Ahhh but it was 6PM and time to head for the BANTAY BATA event.

Several ladies were working the reception table...pretty organized by who sold you the tickets...dat's the line you go to for your table assignment. Since Lani and I were guests of Paul and Marie Laderta, we were checked in by Buffy Gonzales, the other half of the singing duo, The Gonzales...but not before being greeted with hugs from our gracious host Marie. "Uncle" Wesley was like the maitre-d ushering guests to their table. What a grand idea! No need to go searching by yourself. As "Uncle" Wesley showed Lani and me to our table, we met Calvin and Debra Ota who were seated next to our table. Pretty soon Jackson Cho and June Choong joined them.

We were seated with Grace Nohara (I always look at her as the First Lady of Dancing because she is always involved with helping out other dance clubs), Jim Prado (who was one of our former Pro dance teachers), Delia Tom (I've seen this lady at dances helping at the reception tables), Tom Nakamura (a recognized face in exhibition dancing) and his friend Joannie, and there were others who said they knew my older brother. Then there was Ed and Ceci who we see at most of the dances.

There were celebrities who came to our table to say "hello"...Lt.Gov Duke Aiona, Rep. Lynn Finnegan, and Ramsay Wharton. Our host Paul Laderta and Carmelo Baysa, my first Professional Dance Teacher came by to say "hello".

Dancers were starting to fill the dance floor as the music and fabulous vocals of Jesse Gonzaless filled the ballroom. There was a percussion player on drums and a sometimes-fill-in singer but Jesse handled nearly all the musical arrangements from 6to 11:45PM. Buffy took to the stage during the last hour before closing and belted out some of the finest Latin tunes. For a moment I thought the organizers of the event had contracted one of my favorite female vocalist, Eydie Gorme. Buffy Gonzales and Eydie have that rich and mellow singing voice. All smooth, rhythm, and Latin music captured the dancers to get on the floor. There were some Hustle and West Coast Swing, too, but Latin dancing was king for the night.

The program started with a Welcome and Introductory Remarks by EmCee Eric Barsatan.
Followed by the USA National Anthem, then the Philippines National Anthem lead by Jesse. Cue cards were helpful for us local born Filipinos. Invocation and then dinner. As usual, the Pacific Beach Hotel did good again on the entries and desserts.

The Showcase program was EmCeed by Shari Berinobis (Geoffrey Fells' side kick at the Star Ball) and the first to perform was a Hula by Alyssa Reyes, Miss Teen Hawaii Filipina 2009. It was a nice touch to Prelude the showcase and this Filipina can really roll those hips. A beautiful performance by a beautiful dancer.

"Beauty In Motion" Dancers Ayami, Keala, and Kamalei spiced up the floor with their rendition of the Salsa. It was more of a Line Dancing kine Salsa. It was nice and all right.

Noreen Ho with Professional Teacher Lucas Jaime came on next with the International Rumba.

Divino Ritmo Youth Dancers Angel Rodriguez and Moneque Dejesa performed the Show Cha Cha next.

The Tango Medley by Rolando and Gloria Padasdao

General dancing continued before the Second Act.

A time was set aside to recognize some of the people who gave their whole hearted support to this worthwhile event.

The American Waltz by Rueben Lee with Professional Teacher Debby Borges Barboza opened the Second Act.

American Rumba by Edwin and Remy Brion. It was good to see a couple in their senior age still have that fire to perform.

The International Cha Cha by Ed and Charlotte Bugarin.

The International Waltz by Ed and Matilda Felix.

Then a Theatrical Cha Cha by Ellen Ostler and Professional Teacher Lucas Jaime.

And as a encore treat a Professional Performance of Cabaret Dancing by Lucas Jaime and Yanna Samkova was electrifying....the lifts, the swirls, the dips, and the "look-no-hands" as Lucas did some spinning with Yanna on his shoulders.
All the showcase performers danced their very best and put on a good show. The ladies in their lovely colorful costumes and the men were well suited that enriched their individual performance. There was a whole lot of passion displayed in the performances that it kicked in the BIG "E". And that's pleasurable
It was a great night for dancing, socializing, and a gratifying Bantay Bata Dancing In Paradise 2010. And I gotta say Lani and I sure danced our A** Off again. Lani had her dances with Calvin, Jim, and Pepe. As for me, it was an honor and pleasure dancing with Grace (Cha Cha), and Debra (Rumba) in the American style.