Last night was probably the first time that Lani and I have been to a Hawaii Gardenia Circle Dance at the Palladium in many a moons. We got there a little before 7PM.

The admission was $6 per person but here's the surprise that I mentioned in an earlier blog...the $6 admission can be applied to a year membership with the club if you choose to do so and as a member it was a free pass for the night. Good deal! Just like the godfather's "An offer you can't refuse". So now Lani and I are Hawaii Gardenia Circle members and entitled to all the benefits the club offers.

General social dancing was in full swing when we entered the Ballroom. Of course, being a Christmas Dance there's gotta be a Santa. And sure enough...that familiar "HO! HO! HO!" echoed throughout the Ballroom. We didn't know that our very own Dance Hawaii Prez Maurice was in the red suit until Gayle Kawahakui clued us in.

The program started with a Welcome speech by EmCee David Mayman. It was admirable how he acknowlege all the helpers for this event.

The entertainment began with an Argentine Tango by professional dancers Bruce and Yoko Wee.

Followed by a Mock Competition in the Cha Cha. Participants were (guys) Mike Chun, David Matsumoto, Walter Takeda, Gordon, Doug Smith, Howard Gillary, Victor Ho, Richard Nakamura, Ed Matsuda, Eugene Shen, and David Iki; and (gals) Lori Chun, Aimi Oswalt, Anne Ferguson, Olivia Chow, Dion, Kayo, Monique, Lynn Nakamura, Anna Mae Schwartz, Candy Matsuda, and Nancy Shen. All 11 couples competed in the 1st heat which led to the semi finals of 7 couples, then to the finals of 4 couples. All 11 couples danced magnificantly but there was to be only one winning couple.

After the final heat, David Matsumoto and Anna Mae Schwartz ermerged as winners of the Cha Cha Mock Competition by audience applauses. Among the judges were Geoffrey Fells, Nancy Luckie, Ivan John, Tom Nakamura, Bruce Wee, and a few others. All in fun and it was good entertainment with a mini Mock Comp.

After the Mock Competition, the partition between the Ewa side Ballroom and the Diamond Head side Ballroom was opened to allow the Ilima Dance Club and the Hawaii Gardenia Circle to enjoy dancing the full Ballroom. What an excellent idea! Refreshments of a variety of pies with ice cream were served on the Lanai.
Mustn't forget about the door prizes by lucky ticket numbers. There were no absentees. This was this years last Palladium dance for Hawaii Gardenia Circle and they celebrated it in a big way by way of social dancing, entertainment with an Argentine Tango exhibition, a mini Mock Competition, light refreshments (heard the delicious pies were from Arthur Oda's Aala Bakery), an "offer you can't refuse" yearly membership, and the coodination of opening the full Ballroom with Ilima Dance Club.

One more thing, Santa and Gayle helped in distributing the door prizes. We all know how pretty Gayle looks. So in all fairness, here's a photo of Santa unmasked.
It was a enjoyable night of fun dancing with my main squeeze (with dancing feet that never quit).

Coming up in December is Divino Ritmo's 2nd Annual Grand Ball & Showcase featuring "West Side Story" at the Sheraton Waikiki. I had the pleasure of dancing with one of the cast members of that upcoming showcase, Marie Laderta, last night. Yes, she's got the moves and yes, she's smooth as silk. It was nice to see Paul and Marie with their good friends, again.
(left click on photo to zoom in)