Samir, the dance instructor was revved up to start the class but like the past two sessions, he was not in a hurry to share his knowledge of the Salsa. We learned two new patterns during the first hour and they were easy to assimilate because of the time Samir took to break down each step (guys and gals) and demonstrate the full pattern dancing with some of the gals with music.

Samir taught another new pattern during the second hour and then combined all this third session patterns with those that he taught during the first and second sessions. After a few more demos dancing with some of the gals, it was the students turn to show what they had learned from the three sessions with music.

As with all three sessions, Samir encouraged to change partners. This time all the gals didn't want to move except for about three who came without partners.

My Super Ex-Girlfriend hung on to me except for the time when she was called by Samir to dance with him. She looked good in the demo and so did the other gals as they being lead by a professional dancer and instructor.
Session #4 is on Sunday (12/12) 7-9PM at the Radford. It's FREE! Monetary donation will be accepted at the door to help pay for the use of the Radford HS cafeteria.