It's never a dull moment when you have an EmCee that can keep the heartbeat beating at a high level and there have been several at many events such as tonight. But tonight, IBDI got one of the best in Shari Berinobis. This lady EmCee got the know-how on how to keep the "ball" rolling with humor and authority throughout the evening. Lots of time and space for dancing before the program starts. And again IBDI hit the jackpot in getting Henry Lee and Jane Umeda to DeeJay. The music selections were great for dancing and the sound system even better.
Shirley Zhuang said the invocation with spirited words before the grindz time. As usual, PBH buffet was onolicious. More general dancing continued during dinner time and before the Installation of Officers.
Shawn Ching, TV Newscaster and personality was introduced by Shari to officiate the installation of officers. Not missing a beat, Shari added some bio of Shawn as a sports figure at the UH, a business lawyer, and married to Stephanie (?). Anyway Shawn maneuvered his way through the installation with skill and precision and the installation was all pau without any hitch. The officers for 2012 are Christopher Jay (Prez), Marsha Ninomiya (1st VP), Steven Sambrano (2nd VP and Dance Director), Barbara Troegner (Secretary), and Shirley Zhuang (Treasurer). The Board of Directors are Karen Choy, Robert Diana, Arnold Lee, Edward Matsuda, Dana Morey, and Eugene Shen.

With the BIG business already done, it was time for the BIG man to get hold of the mike. Prez Chris was eloquent in his President's Message. A year had passed with good vibes and there are some changes in store for the 2012 year. Got some new officers and some new members for the Board of Directors. Marsha Ninomiya takes over where Grace Nohara left off. That's gonna be a big shoes for Marsha to fill but knowing her, she's got that go get'um spirit and you can expect to see some big things happening in 2012.
Okay, it was time for the fun to begin. Shari got all the 2012 Officers and Board Members to start off the SNOWBALL dance. I couldn't hide behind the camera cuz my shutterbug friend aka Charlene Jay made a beeline for me as Prez Chris Jay took Lani on the dance floor. The SNOWBALL dance is so much fun especially when the dances are the Cha Cha or the Rumba.
Then it was SHOWTIME! Part I. There were a variety of Professionals in the exhibition dances. It was good having to begin with a dance that have so much power....the Samba. Professional Carlos Chang and Charlotte Bugarin were magnificent in this fast moving dance.
(To be continued. So stay tuned for more coverage on the Exhibition Dance Showcase. Left click on photos to zoom in)