The gateway to the Nifty 50s/60s/70s Oldies Sock Hop Bash finally opened at the Pacific Beach Hotel Grand Ballroom this past Friday. Over 800 SeniorTeens were shephered in to the era when Rock & Roll, the Twist, the Jitterbug, the Disco, and the Hippee Generation was in full swing. The Grand Ballroom was decorated with large poka dot balloons floating and anchored above each table. Several battery operated centerpieces groomed each table like lighted fingers and there was a 6-pack carton of Coca-Cola. Two stages marked the fully decorated picturing the days of the Drive-In eateries, and the other held the electronic gears of the music DeeJays Doug and Lisa Oshiro of Tapestry (From a singer with an 8-piece band to a Mobile DJ for the past 10 years). The ballroom was beaming with music of generations past and so were the faces of the guests as they boogie on to the dance floor each time. Will it be a night when my main squeeze will once again be merciless and Dance My A** Off? All the ingredients of fun dancing was there...the Jitterbug, the Twist, Slow Dancing, Disco, Rock & Roll, and Boogie to the Oogie. How could I resist the temptation?