Lani and I figured that parking at the Pacific Beach was gonna be at a premuim, so we headed towards Waikiki hoping to get there at least by 5:30. Wouldn't you believe it? We hit a snag of heavy traffic on Kalanianaole Hwy. But it was smooth sailing once we got past Niu Valley. We were keeping our fingers crossed that we could find parking when we got to the Pacific Beach about 20 to six. Found a space on the 4th floor and very lucky for us 'cause soon as I put the brakes on, there were a parade of cars all lined up looking for parking spaces after us.
The Grand Ballroom on the 7th floor looked desserted except for the lovelies at the Reception Table. Gotta give those gals a lot of appreciation 'cause no matter whose dance club is hosting, Candy Matsuda, Delia Tom, Dana Morey, and Grace Nohara are always there volunteering at the Reception Table. Got our table number and a blue ticket (for the guys) and a red ticket (for the gals) for door prizes.
As Lani and I entered the Ballroom, the sweet sound of the Waltz filled the air. It didn't take too much coaxing to get dancers on the floor. DeeJays Henry Lee and Jane made sure of that during the whole six plus hours with their excellent selection of Ballroom, Latin, and Swing music. There were some rare moments of the West Coast Swing, the Night Club 2 Step, and even the Merengue (Lani and my favorite dance). Mucho gracias, Henry and Jane!

Gradually, more dancers trickled into the Grand Ballroom...some former dance students, some dance instructors, and some friends and acquaintances who Lani and I had occasion to meet some years back.
Social Dancing continued until it was time for the ono buffet that Pacific Beach is known for. EmCee for the evening was Marsha Ninomiya and she handled the podium like a professional EmCee would. She said a very inspiring prayer of thanks before the dinner.
More social dancing continued after the dinner then IBDI Prez Chris Jay took over the mike with a short speech about the events coming in 2011 and the recognition of Grace Nohara for her support in making this New Years Dance a successful one.
Grace was presented with a lei by Roy Ninomiya.
Lucky numbers for door prizes were called and I gotta say IBDI did not hold back on the money gift cards. The games started with the SNOWBALL dance which got nearly everyone on the dance floor. When the music stopped, money gift cards were given to the guy or gal who were dancing with a dancer whose name was preselected and announced. The King and Queen of the IBDI New Years Ball was selected by lucky numbers, too. James Masuoka won the King's crown, and Pat Watanabe got the Queen's.
The traditional HORSESHOE Dance also awarded couples with money gift cards when the music stopped. After more social dancing, the Balloon game started with much fun. There were a lot of winners in this game even with the Jen Ken Po elimination. So all of those standing received some kind of award. The Games part of the program was conducted by both Marsha and Grace...and what a wonderful job they did to make it fun and enjoyable.

More Social Dancing continued until the countdown to midnight. Noise makers and those string pops dominated the Grand Ballroom as 2010 faded away and the dawning of a new year approached. Those on my Table #15 got to click glass tumblers and paper cups filled with non-alcoholic drink to toast a better and healthier 2011. (My main squeeze handled the camera during the closing moments so as she nicely put it..."so you can be in the picture, too"). Dat's my girl!
(Left click on photos to zoom in).