It's been ages and I mean a very long time since Lani and I have trekked to Waipahu but it was a must this past Sunday. No, not for a dance class. Of course it would've been nice to visit Renna and Sergio's dance studio while we were there but the Mazda Auto Show took longer than we had expected. So it's gonna have to wait till next time. Okay, let's rewind. Our son, Dean who assists us in our dance class at Ali'iolani CSA had entered his Mazda 3 in the Cutter Mazda Auto Show Contest. So as proud parents, we gotta giv'um support to win at least one of the prizes in his car category. There were 7 categories (Mazda 6, Rotary Engine, Protege, etc.) including the Mazda Speed 3 category that Dean was in. The "show" of all the different models of Mazdas was amazing. More amazing was the passion showed by the participants in how much work they had put in to alter a stock model into a classic model. It was a long and hot afternoon but Cutter made it an enjoyable affair; everybody got free bottled water and bento. The Hip Hop and Lambada music by DeeJay Gage kept the spirits running high. And the airconditioning in the showroom really was a blessing.

There must've been at least 30 cars entered in the contest and the 1st and 2nd place winners were voted by ballots. Long story short....Dean won 1st place and received a trophy. Congratulations, son!