Thank you to all who joined us at the "Cellar" event at the Honolulu Design Center's Cupola Theatre this past Thursday, July 7, and we hope more of you can join us when we do this again this coming Thursday, July 14. We were very impressed with the place...nice smooth floor to dance on, good regular pupu menu as well as $5 Happy Hour pupus, free parking (there will be no valet this week!), full bar & drink specials, and AIR-CONDITIONING! Big Mahalo to George Chun & Andrea Dismuke from Tom Moffatt Productions for coming to show their support!!! Too bad George is having trouble with his back, otherwise, he'd be jumping up on that stage with us to do his Frank Sinatra songs! Get better soon, George, so you can grace our stage with your presence & WOW everyone with your sexy voice!!!
We'd also like to thank our Ige's gang for one terrific night on Friday...Ron Ige was so happy that the place was packed! Of course, our friend Garry Moore sure made us look good when he joined us on stage to do a few numbers with us, yeah?! Imagine, we are but lowly musicians compared to the likes of Garry Moore, who is a well-known, top-knotch entertainer here, as well as nationally & internationally! He's recently been on tour in Europe and in Branson, and is soon to return to the mainland, but in the meantime, we are blessed to have him home with us. He had so much fun, he's coming to our gig at the Cupola this Thursday, too! He appeared on national TV on "The Next Best Thing" doing an impression of Little Richard and got to meet the real Little Richard! He's also performed as Sammy Davis Jr. in "The Return of the Rat Pack" shows in Waikiki with Al Waterson, Kimo Kahoano, George Chun & Cameron Krainin. Who knows? Garry might even do his impressions for us that night!!!
Make sure you invite all your friends & family to join in on the fun, OK?!!!