As we entered the foyer of the GrandBallroom, we were greeted by acquaintances Sam and Remy Sonson who were at the Reception Table. (We met Sam and Remy when Lani and I were at the beginning stage of learning how to dance when HBDA was thriving in Hawaii Kai). A long time ago but friendly faces and personality don't change.

Also at the "Table" were Delia Wong and Van Torres. We didn't expect a welcome hug from Delia and we thought she knew us from way back...none-the-less it was a friendly one. We were also greeted by Dr. Ignacio Torres, President of the Candonians of Hawaii and the Chairman of the Scholarship Program. Just a small talk with him, one can tell he has a deep passion to keep the Candonians mission of helping the poor and under priveleged young Filipino boys and girls in attaining education and excellence in their chosen career, on the fast track.

Lani and I were invited guests of Paul and Marie Laderta, who several times have invited us as their guests to several venues including the Pacific Beach Hotel events. Maraming salamat, Paul and Marie. The table we got was perfect...just at the edge of the dance floor...a good view for a photo-blogger and a quick access to the dance floor. Not very often do Lani and I get to seat at the same table with well known celebrities but bumping elbows with Lucas Jaime & Yanna Samkova, Maria Handal & Connie Laderta, Fil & Elvie Padilla, and Wes and Sandy Numazu, has gotta be the coolest.

The Program started with two maganda Filipina EmCees, Mistresses of Ceremony Nadine Lagaso and Roselle Torres who welcomed everyone to this fundraiser event and kept the program running smoothly and timely. The National Anthems of the Philippines and the United States of America were sung by the Candonians Singers and ultimately joined by the audience. Invocation was said by Rev. Emmanuel Cruz and then it was grindz time for the spread of delicious entries that the Pacific Beach is known for.

The Entertainment part of the program featured two Line Dances by the Fabulous Dancers, and the Forever Young Dancers. Don't let the names fool you...they were seniors that danced with dexterity and rhythm.
General Dancing filled in between each exhibition dances throughout the program.
Part 1 featured Dance Exhibitions by Professionals with their student-partner.

The Cha Cha danced by Jannette Ranion and Professional Carmelo Baysa was another crowd pleaser. Lifts and Drops made this showcase Cha Cha appealing and exciting to watch. Carmelo was Lani's and my first Professional dance teacher when he first came to Hawaii from the Philippines to teach at a studio in Aina Haina. At that time he had a driving flair to cause excitement and put on a good dance show for the audience as well as for the student-performers. It was mighty good to see that he is still on the hot trail and still in sync with his style.

"ALEGRIA" performed by Marie Laderta with Professional Lucas Jaime, and Paul Laderta with Professional Yanna Samkova was sensational and continued to have a colorful bite in exhibition dancing. It was fresh, all fired up, footloose and fancy free.
There was a short intermission for Recognition of Graduates of the Scholarship Program. Candonians Prez Ignacio Torres gave an astounding history of the Candonians' mission, and with the help of the Scholarship Committee congatulated and gave certificates to the Graduates who excelled in High School and in College and there were many as far back in 2007. "The fundraising program started in 2001 for academically deserving high school graduates from poor families in the City of Candon, Ilocos Sur and surrounding towns. Its aim was to support these students through college towards completion of courses they choose".

Part 2 resumed soon after with the Foxtrot performed by Dance Instructors Ed and Matilda Felix. As with their previous exhibition of the Waltz at the Bantay Bata Fundraising Dance, this couple added some pleasing moves to their Foxtrot that also pleased the audience. It was refreshing and magnificently performed.

Ed and Charlotte Bugarin are well known in Dance Exihibition circles. They have thrilled audiences with their explosive moves in the Cha Cha and Samba in previous showcases. But tonight it was an exhibition to slow down the tempo to a romantic Rumba that sizzled with hot, hot moves that drains the imagination.

Billed earlier as an exhibition of the Waltz, it was changed to the Bolero which was a welcomed treat. Not very often is the Bolero performed in Exhibition Dances and because Bolero is one of my favorite dances, I couldn't turn a blind eye to it. I thought Simon and Aida danced superbly in their version of this slowest of the Latin dances.

The Entertainment part of the program concluded with Closing Remarks by Vice Prez Sam Sonson with encouragement to come together again next year and support the Candonians mission. For the rest of the evening, general dancing continued till 12 midnight.
(Left click on photo to zoom in)