Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dance Magic 808 1st Dance @The Palladium

Hi Everyone,

Don't forget, tomorrow, Friday, July 27, 2012, is Dance Magic 808's 1st dance event at the palladium. We are all getting excited because it's our very first dance and we want it to be a memorable and fun evening.

It's going to be very casual (members wear your purple shirts). We are calling this an "Appreciation Dance". We are very appreciative of all the people that helped to make Dance Magic 808's 1st Anniversary Ball so successful.
Who are the people that made the Anniversary Ball so successful? It was everyone who attended the ball, helped decorate the ballroom, was part of our program, and also participated in our "Belle of the Ball" contest. Without everyone's support the "Ball" would not have been much fun.

This dance is to acknowledge all the people that made the anniversary ball so successful and to invite everyone whether they came to the ball or not to have fun at our appreciation dance. We also want to recognize our instructors especially the instructors that have taught for this session.

If you are planning to help set up, please come by 5pm. We have the stage side. We plan to open the doors at 6pm. Cost for admission is $3 for members and non-members. If you've prepaid in advance, just give your name at the door and they can check it off. We will have a list of the people that prepaid the admission fee and a list of our guests that will have a complimentary admission to our dance.

There will be a very short program from 7:30pm - 8pm and a light refreshment will be served. At 8:30pm, the partitions will be opened and we will share the ballroom with Pan Pacific (thank you Pan Pacific).

It will get very busy during the night so in case we don't get to thank everyone individually, we want to say to you now, "Thank You for coming to Dance Magic 808's 1st Anniversary Ball and to this Appreciation Dance and for making it a fun and successful evening".

See you tomorrow night.

Richard & Lynn Nakamura
Co-Founders of Dance Magic 808
cell 372-2256 (Lynn)