It's been many, many, moons since Lani and I had attended one of USA Dance Honolulu events. Not that we weren't aware of them since many of their announcements are sent to me via e-mail. Lani and I are grateful to Glenn and Tracy Okazaki for inviting us as their guests to their 24th Anniversary Dance at the Palladium last night..
As we climbed the stairway to the second floor ballroom, we caught a glimpse of Anne Ho and Tracy Okazaki collecting tickets and serving out refreshments to presale ticket holders. We were greeted at the entrance door by KI (Dance Fever Oahu) and by James Matsumoto, both dressed up in suit for the occasion..
Greeters: James (left) and KI |
At the Reception Table were the Lovelies and two gentleguys with Anne Ho.
The Lovelies: Delia Tom and Candy Matsuda |
Two Gentleguys: Glenn Okazaki & Edward Matsuda, and Anne Ho |
General dancing was in full swing to the vibes of Gary Kawasaki's full volume music. There's been talk for a long time that the Music Man, Gary has in his procession the best music for dancing. Well, the hundreds of dancers that claim the dance floor last night can attest to that.
Music Man: Gary Kawasaki |
Shortly before eight o'clock, the program's EmCee, Edward Matsuda, took to the microphone and announced the start of the evening's agenda. After a short welcome message, he introduced USA Dance Honolulu President, Glenn Okazaki, who said a welcome message, too.
EmCee Edward Matsuda returned to the podium and continued his welcoming message as he recognized the Professionals who were present: Dream To Dance Debby Borges Barbosa, Jacki Lei, and Lucas Jaime and Yanna Samkova of Aloha Dancesport Center.
Many representatives from the "Sister Clubs" were also recognized: Aiea Ballroom Dance Association Prez Deanie Burgess, Aloha Ballroom Club Prez Gordon Wong, Dance Magic 808 Representative Roxane Kaino, Friends of Ala Wai Atlas Cook, HBDA Prez Willy Dionisio, Ilima Ballroom Club Prez Diane Wong, Pan Pacific Dance Society Pez Gene Inoshita, Hawaii Gardenia Circle Prez Ivan John, Korean Ballroom Dance Club Roger Yang, and the list continued on. And special recognition went to USA Dance Honolulu Founding President Roger Izumigawa.
The EmCee talked about the USA Dance Honolulu Scholarship Program. He said, "Hawaii have a lot of very good amateur dancers. Many dancers compete on the mainland and sometimes overseas. In many instances, dancers from Hawaii have been National Champions in the events they entered".
EmCee Edward Matsuda |
USA Dance Honolulu Prez Glenn Okazaki |
The EmCee continued, "We are proud to present scholarships to our couples who have just competed at the 2017 USA Dance National Championships.They are: Mike and Lori Chun, Ravi and Synthia Sumukti, Prita Narayan and Ravi Narayan, Calvin and Debra Ota, and Miguel Heraclio and Rieko Ota.
Couples who entered the 2017 USA Dance National Championships, with USA Dance Honolulu Prez Glenn Okazaki. Prita Narayan was not present. All the couples received scholarship awards.
Then came the introduction of the USA Dance Honolulu Officers and Board of Directors. They are: President Glenn Okazaki, Vice President Calvin Ota, Treasurer Jon Obara, Secretary Candy Matsuda, Special Events Coordinator Anne Ho, Special Events Ticket Coordinator Tracy Okazaki, Music Coordinator Gary Kawasaki, Membership Coordinator Debra Ota, K-12 Coordinator Ravi Narayan, K-12 Coordinator Synthia Sumukti, Board of Director Delia Tom, and Board of Director Edward Matsuda. (Glenn Okazaki and Anne Ho are also dance instructors for USA Dance Honolulu).
USA Dance Honolulu Officers and Board of Directors |
A Dance Mixer with the Waltz followed before the Dance Exhibition Showcase.
Waltz Dance Mixer |
The Dance Exhibition Showcase featured the International Waltz performed by James and Annie Kwong, the Quickstep performed by Michael and Lori Chun, the American (Smooth) Foxtrot performed by Ravi and Synthia Sumukti,, the International Rumba performed by Calvin and Debra Ota, and the International Tango performed by Miguel Heraclio and Rieko Ota.
The Dance Exhibition performers were presented with gifts.
With the presentation of gifts to the Exhibition Dancers, the program ended. General dancing continued till closing at 9:30.
However it was time to go paparazi and do some candid camera work. So here are some people caught on camera that attended USA Dance Honolulu 24th Anniversary last night that you might know.
A BIG MAHALO to EmCee Edward Matsuda for sharing his notes of tonight's program with me, and to Glenn and Tracy Okazaki for inviting Lani and me as their guests to this event.
Hasta la Vista! |