Met long time fellow HBDA dance instructors Roger and Milly Toledo as we waited for the rest of Dance Hawaii members.

The concert featured two bands...WASABI (7:30-9:15) and H2O (9:30-midnight). But for the present, it was grindz time and on the menu were heavy pupus almost like having entries of a full dinner.

WASABI whose specialty is hot music of the 50's and 60's were true to their name. But they spiced it up with venturing into the 1930's music and also into the 70's and 80's.

Who could not leave portions of their dinner and cruise to the dance floor with such high octane dance music with the likes as Country Line Dancing, Latin, Swing, Boogie, and Rock. Talk about crowded dance floors but everybody was enjoying the rhythm and hits. Did a little Twisting, too. You could feel the adrenaline rising.

We got to meet some dancers from Waipahu who are or will be members of Dance Waipahu; one of Dance Hawaii's new addition. Lani and I had recognized a few of them from our stint with HBDA. Friendly people and good rhythm dancers.
WASABI played non-stop with no breaks and Lani and I danced non-stop except for to finish our dinner and to catch our breath. I guess the music just got to us.

We were both peter out when H2O came on stage with their marathon rock. The crowd was starting to thin out and it was time to hit the road back to Hawaii Kai. It was an enjoyable night for Lani and me...meeting new friends, socializing with present friends, and dancing like there was no tomorrow.
(Left click on photo to zoom in)