Hello Frank & Lani!
Yes, long time no cyber-chat with you guys!
Good to hear from you and perfect timing because we just got through the Hawaii Star
Ball, and recently I collaborated with fellow student and competitor Dr. David Easa to do a write-up which I wanted to share with you and your blog. I will email some photos separately should you decide to jazz up the article with some pictures! Leave it up to you entirely of course!

In addition to a bunch of new faces and competitors from our studio (Divino Ritmo)
participating, one thing notable this year and worth mentioning is the participation of Wesley Numazu, fondly known as "Uncle Wes," who competed as a newcomer with his
professional instructor Yanna Samkova at the Star Ball, for the first time in his life! Think about this now, Uncle Wes, a stern & serious retired National Guard complete with 2 artificial knees! Like Geoffrey Fells, he had total knee replacement on both knees within the last 3 years!

Against all odds, and in spite of it all, Uncle Wes, attired in full-on Latin pants and shirt, went on that dance floor at the Star Ball and showed them how to do the rumba, swing and merengue! Too good huh!???

The Organizers, the Judges, the EmCee, and Professional Competitors (above Celebrities photo)
Thank you always for being so kind and generous to provide a venue for our communications with Hawaii's dance community.
Frank's note: Please surf over to Dancing In The Dark blogsite for David Easa and Marie Laderta's article on The Hawaii Star Ball 2010.