So where were we on New Year eve? Lani and I joined some friends for dinner and dance at the Waikiki Yacht Club. Good turn out with lots of young people but a lot more seniors. Dined with some friends of our host from the Big Island Kona, New York, Michigan, and Tahiti. Appetizer stuffed spinach mushrooms and the asparagus soup were good to tease the appetite. Main meal lobster tail with melted butter, diced red rose potato, and breaded veggie came a bit later. Just onolicious concluding with mixed berries fruit cup, mocha cheesecake and coffee. There were other entries but this meal was filling enough for us. Now to the dancing. The first group was a guitar player with synthesizer and a singer. Mostly ballad stuff and not much for dancing.

The second group played non-stop rock and roll music of the 70's. Reminded me of when my teenage son played in a band in the early 70's music like the Clearwater Revival guys. Not much for partner dancing except for one or two EC Swing. Boogie dancing was king for the night since it was a no-holds type dancing with lots of do-it-by-yourself gyration. (I gave it a try at least once just for the sport of it). Not real dancing but the younger generation loved it. The music was very loud; sounded like the rock band was trying to compete with fireworks explosion bursting in the night sky at the Hilton Hawaiian Village.

Most of the seniors had moved far away from the dance floor by then. It was a new New Year's experience for Lani and me but one that we'll gladly leave behind with all the woes of 2009.
Anyway, we're looking forward to a better year in 2010. Hope you are, too.